Are you a parent of a "Basement Dweller?" An adult child who seems to be comfortable just chillin' in your basement with no plans or motivation for the future? If so, join us and other parents of Basement Dwellers for dinner and conversation about how to establish a parenting plan to encourage your adult child out of your basement and into independent living. We know the difficulty that can arise when pushing your adult child into independent living when he/she is not "ready." For this reason, we will discuss ways to address housekeeping, budgeting, cooking, laundry and all the other independent living skills for your young adult child to move out and establish independent living.


Parents of adult children who are struggling to live independently.


Coco Bolos, 5621 W 135th, Overland Park, KS 66223, 913-766-5000


Randy Floyd, LSCSW, Founder, Clinical Level Therapist

Randy is the founder of Midwest Anxiety. He is a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker who is an optimist and passionate about helping people focus on what they can do rather than what they can't do. Randy believes building a strong therapeutic relationship and tapping into a person's strengths are the most essential components of the therapeutic experience. Randy is passionate about changing the way we do mental health. He is focused on making mental health normal, a positive experience. He is also adamant about doing mental health differently. Randy believes the "old ways" suggest mental health is for the "broken" or "mentally ill." Randy believes that "Everyone Struggles." Sure. Some people struggle more than others, but everyone struggles with something. With this belief, Randy is focused on providing a wide range of programs and services to help people be mentally well ;) Go give Randy a fist bump on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


Follow the Facebook Event Page.


The Feel Good Community Members get events 50% off.

Individual Therapy clients get events FREE forever.


$50.00 per person. The Fee is for the event only. You are responsible for your eats and drinks at Coco Bolos.


Seating is limited to 10 people. To guarantee a seat, please register early.